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How to choose a suitable COD meter?

COD meter is an indispensable instrument for treating domestic sewage and industrial wastewater since chemical oxygen demand is considered to be an important indicator for judging the degree of water pollution in water pollution detection. So how to choose a suitable COD meter?

 benchtop cod meter

Selection of COD analyzer:

I. Basic features

In order to meet various needs, the COD analyzer has added data storage, printing and USB interface to facilitate data transfer to the computer, and in order to meet outdoor use, a portable COD analyzer with built-in large-capacity battery is designed. You can choose different functions according to your needs and budget.

II. Technical parameters

1. High and low range

The range of the COD analyzer with uneven high and low range detection wavelength detection.

2. Measuring range

Due to various factors or design purposes, the measuring range of the instrument is different. According to the basic situation of the required water sample, the appropriate range instrument can be selected.

3. Accuracy, repeatability and optical stability

These three technical indicators determine the performance and measurement error of the instrument.

auto cod analyzer 

In addition, the light source used in the instrument is also very important. The cod detector uses a long-life cold light source, and better instruments generally use imported cold light sources. Of course, the price will be slightly higher, but the instrument has high measurement accuracy and good optical stability.

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